Does early menopause affect your mental health? Our expert answers.

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Menopause is an important milestone in a woman’s life. It marks the end of her period and her reproductive years. However, it also has many impacts on a woman’s physical and emotional life. While some women accept this transition with a positive outlook, for many others it is a period of deep anxiety and change in mood. Early menopause therefore comes as a shock to most women as it is something that they are not expecting at that time. 

Mental Health and Relationships: Everything you want to know

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Relationships are an extremely important part of our lives. However sometimes we overlook its importance on our mental well-being. The Mental Health Foundation states that people who have more social relationships are physically and mentally healthier. It is not the number of friends, but the quality of relationships that matter. Research shows that positive relationships not only improves our mental health but also provides us with a sense of purpose and belonging.